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Who is your therapist?

My name is Thyra Rogl.

I am a nurse, and passionate about professional development. I have many years of experience from emergency departments in hospitals, home care and as head of department in a nursing home. After several years, I have learned that holistic patient care can require more than what we can offer in the public health service. My goal is to change that!

That's why I started my education to become a hypnotherapist at the Hypnoseakademiet in Oslo in 2023 to be able to offer holistic* patient treatment using hypnosis and EFT (emotional freedom techniques = related to acupuncture, but takes place without the use of needles). You can find the clinic in Kvinesdal and Flekkefjord, Agder - or online, wherever you are.

* the human being is a physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual whole, rather than being composed of individual components

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy can help promote relaxation and stress management. Many people find that hypnotherapy helps them change unwanted habits and patterns. It can be a supportive method for increasing self-confidence and self-esteem. Several clients have reported positive effects of hypnotherapy on sleep quality and relaxation. The therapy can be useful as part of a holistic approach to well-being and personal development.

Hypnotherapy is consistently effective for anxiety, weight loss, pain, emotional upset, smoking cessation and much more. It has been shown to achieve faster results and be more effective than common talking therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and counseling.

Hypnotherapy can help individuals make rapid changes at the subconscious level where habits and beliefs are rooted. Hypnosis involves concentration, focus, absorption and involvement that makes everything else unimportant, and this causes a disconnection between actions and awareness of actions. During hypnosis, this type of disassociation between action and reflection allows the person to participate in suggested activities without using mental resources to be aware of the activity. Used today, hypnosis helps individuals with addiction, pain management, depression and stress and anxiety, etc.
Hypnosis can be a very powerful tool for changing the way we use our minds to control our thoughts and emotions.


It's not about losing control, it's about getting it back!


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